Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Perfect Second Post

Its weird having a blog because i've always wanted one, but now that i have one i have no idea what to write. Then yesterday i was at my mums friends daughters christening, when the priest said somthing pretty cool to me
Go finish your blog and fulfil your destiny!
Ok, Ok all that was a downright lie but i thought it would be an interesting second blog. To be honest i have no idea what to write so the rest of my posts will probery be just as nonsensical!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A kid called Wolf

Hi, before you read this i better warn you i'm just an ordianry kid. Not a genetic experiment, of someone who i captain of the school netball team or even someone popular. I'm just a kid with a dodgey name who got bord one day and decided to writ my about my life on the computer.
My Name is Wolf, i know its "different" But hey, at least its memorable. i have messy brown hair that no amount of streightening can cure, an iq that is above average and i wear purple glasses. im also a bit of a geek and i like sci-fi.
I doubt anyone will ever read this but hey its somthing to do.
