Friday, October 26, 2007


I love the T.V show scrubs! Its the last series at the moment and i am hooked!

the last episode i saw was kinda sad though because this one character has got engaged and the main character (my favourite) still loves her. The thing is i've just been hunting around on the internet and this one site had th esummeries for each episode - some real spoilers - and i know whats gonna happen!!!!

My favourite actor (Zach Braff) wrote directed and starred in this film called garden state. Its a bit strange but you felt real empathy for this guy. I love films, recently i have been really into sad films, believe it or not i didnt cry at titanic, but the adam sandler film Click had me sobbing like mad. but the saddest film i hava ever seen in my life in that newish one 'Bridge to teribithia' I saw it in the cimema when we took my little sister and by the end of it half the people in the room were crying their eyes out, its a good film though.


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