Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Why does it always rain on me?

urgh, im soooo sick of rain, it always rains around here, even in summer! i wrote a haiku about it

rain is very wet
its wet because its water
i really hate rain

its great isnt it, i think i could be the next william wordsworth. . . . .X )


Undyings said...

lol nice....i like it.

Well.I'm not getting back with him,and I never will.Blah he isw soooooo wrong.I'm staying with Noel..

wOlF said...

Good!! Noel sounds nice and the random cheater person sounds bad!!

Mella said...

I love the rain. Weird maybe but true.

I have got used to it after time though. Seeing as it rains like 75% of the time where I live. Lovely.

Love the blog x

Mella said...

I totally love the UK.

AND totally love the rain.

Ok. I've already said this but hey.

Funny! We both posted within the same like second.

Alannah said...

I'm getting tired of the rain too. Its been raining for several days where I live

Jordan said...

i hate rain too. But i hate snow even more. I think it has to do with my zodiac sighn leo. Leos hate the rain. Because you know, fire.

Jordan said...

yah i agree. Rain is water. LOL. i just learned that... not really. well i gues ille talk to you later.